Wing Enneagram 8

The Wings Enneagram 8 – The Boss with a Twist

The Wings of Enneagram 8

If you’re the type of person who automatically takes the lead, always stands up for yourself and others, and has a good dose of willpower, then you might recognize yourself in Enneagram Type 8, also known as “The Leader.” Type 8s are known for their determination, straightforward approach, and need to control everything around them. But, as with all Enneagram types, your personality is also influenced by the wings that support your Type. For Type 8, these are Type 7 and Type 9.

These wings Enneatype 8 add that little bit extra to your personality. But as with most people, one wing is often more dominant than the other. It is the exception rather than the rule that someone can effortlessly switch between the two wings. One wing usually has the upper hand, and that colors your leadership style in a unique way.
Let’s explore what it means to be a Type 8 with a Wing 7 or 9 and how that affects your view of the world and your leadership style. Buckle up!

Wing Enneagram 8 w7 – The Energetic Visionary

A Type 8 with a dominant wing 7, or 8w7, is a leader with sparkling, adventurous energy. Imagine the power of a storm but with a big smile and a flowy cape. The core of Type 8 is all about control and power, while Wing 7 is all about fun, new challenges, and always moving forward. The result? A charismatic, energetic leader who is always working on the next big step.

An 8w7 never sits still. Whether it’s a new project, an exciting opportunity, or just the next adventure, the energy of Wing 7 pushes them forward. They want to win, but not on their own; everyone around them should also benefit from it. They are often inspiring to others, and their enthusiasm is contagious. An 8w7 is like a magnet—people are naturally drawn to them by their energy and charisma.

But as with any good story, there is also a flip side to the coin. For an 8w7, sitting still and focusing on one thing can be tricky. They can get lost in too many projects at once and always be looking for that “even greater” success. This can lead to exhaustion or the feeling that they are never doing enough and taking a rest. That’s for other people.

wings enneagram 8 w7

Features of the 8w7:

  • Energetic and adventurous (think Indiana Jones but without the whip)
  • Charismatic and driven
  • Always focused on growth and success
  • Sometimes has trouble with patience and taking rest

Practical tip for the 8w7: Take a moment now and then to reflect on what you have already achieved. Ambition is great, but learning to enjoy where you are now is just as important. A little break will help you recharge your battery for the long haul!

Wing Enneatype 8 w9 – The Peaceful Protector

On the other hand, we have the 8w9, which is the quieter, more mediating version of the Type 8. Where the 8w7 is always in fifth gear, the 8w9 is looking for balance and harmony. An 8w9 is like a calm force – still a leader, but with a peaceful, stable approach. They prefer to avoid conflict and solve problems with patience and diplomacy.

An 8w9 exudes peace and calm, even if that signature Type 8 power still bubbles beneath the surface. They are still protective and ready to stand up for themselves and others, but they do so with a gentle hand. People rely on them in times of crisis because they are a rock.

The challenge for an 8w9 is to find a good balance between assertiveness and keeping the peace. Due to their natural tendency to avoid conflict, they can sometimes put their feelings and needs aside. This can lead to internal tensions – because, let’s face it, always keeping the peace can break you down in the long run.

wings enneagram 8 w9

Features of the 8w9:

  • Calm and steady (think of a monk in a tailored suit)
  • Diplomatic and avoidance of confrontation
  • Focused on harmony and balance
  • Tends to suppress one’s own needs to keep the peace

Practical tip for the 8w9: Remember that your needs matter as much as everyone else’s. Setting boundaries is important, even if it means disrupting harmony for a while. Know that setting boundaries is the power of the ype8, but staying strong also means taking good care of yourself.

The Wing That Colors Your Life

As mentioned earlier, most people have one dominant wing. Although both wings can exert influence, you usually notice that one wing is more developed and shapes your behavior more. An 8w7 is all about action and adventure, while an 8w9 is more likely to seek stability and peace.

The most important thing to remember is that there is no right or wrong. Both wings add valuable qualities to who you are as a leader. An 8w7 brings energy and vision, while an 8w9 provides calmness and balance. Understanding which wing is dominant in you will give you more insight into yourself and how you function in different situations.

The Challenge of the Wings of Enneatype 8

Having a dominant wing also means that you are more sensitive to the pitfalls of that wing. The 8w7 tend to overwork themselves and always look for more without being completely satisfied with what they have. For the 8w9, the risk is that they need to be more self-effacing for peace and assertive about their own needs.

The key to growth lies in developing awareness. If you know when you are in danger of falling into a trap, you can make adjustments and find balance. An 8w7 can learn to take a break from time to time, while an 8w9 can practice setting boundaries.

Which wing do you prefer?

So, are you more of the adventurous, driven 8w7 or the calm, peace-loving 8w9? Maybe you’re unsure which wing dominates you, and that’s fine. By reflecting on your behavioral patterns, you can discover which wing most influences how you view the world.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Wing and Your Power

Enneagram Type 8 is known for strength and determination. Whether you are the dynamic 8w7 or the quiet 8w9, remember that both wings add valuable qualities to your leadership. Your wing enhances certain aspects of your personality and gives you unique abilities you can use.

The challenge for any Type 8 is to find a balance between strength and flexibility. Learn how to harness your dominant wing’s power while avoiding its pitfalls. By embracing your wing and power, you can fully accept yourself and lead your life more effectively.

Unleash the Power of Enneagram Type 8 – Now with Extra Wings!

As an Enneagram Type 8 – also known as the “Boss,” or “That Person Everyone Listens To” – you’re no stranger to strength and determination. With a wing 7, you’re a thrill-seeking powerhouse, always ready for the next adventure (or five). Add in a wing 9, and you’ve got a diplomatic sidekick who keeps you calm, cool, and collected. It’s like having both a lion and a Zen monk in your toolkit. What a combo

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