Free Enneagram

When you know which Enneagram Type is most dominant for you, click on the button for that Type. You will be directed to a page with more information about that Type, where you can immediately download your free e-book.

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We are thrilled that you are interested in our free e-books!

e-book type 1

Also, read the blog about Enneatype 1

Enneagram Type 1 Free e-book: The perfectionist's guide embracing your inner idealist

e-book type 2

Also, read the blog about Enneatype 2

Enneagram type 2 free e-book

e-book type 3

Also, read the blog about Enneatype 3

Enneagram type 3 free e-book

e-book type 4

Also, read the blog about Enneatype 4

Enneagram Type 4 Free e-book

e-book type 5

Also, read the blog about Enneatype 5

Enneagram Type 5 Free e-book

e-book type 6

Also, read the blog about Enneatype 6

Enneagram Type 6 Free e-book

e-book type 7

Also, read the blog about Enneatype 7

Enneagram Type 7 Free e-book

e-book type 8

Also, read the blog about Enneatype 8

Enneagram Type 8 Free e-book

e-book type 9

Also, read the blog about Enneatype 9

Enneagram Type 9 Free e-book