enneatype wings

Discover the Power of Enneagram Wings: Your Key to Personal Growth

The same Enneagram Type and yet different

You have probably noticed that two people with the same Enneagram Type can be different. The reason? Their wings. Wings are the adjacent Types to your main type and provide nuance and extra depth to your personality. They can strongly determine how you express yourself, make decisions, and form relationships.

What are Enneagram Wings?

Each personality type within the Enneagram is flanked by two neighboring Types, also called wings. These wings influence how your core qualities express themselves. Suppose you are a Type 4 (the Romantic). Your wings are Type 3 (the Winner) and Type 5 (the Observer). A Type 4 with a 3-wing (4w3) is more expressive and goal-oriented, while a Type 4 with a 5-wing (4w5) is more introverted and self-focused.

Personal Growth and Change within the Enneagram

Your head type within the Enneagram wings can change as you grow and get to know yourself better. Personal development plays a major role in this.
Some people keep the same head type and wing throughout their lives. This means that they feel comfortable in their patterns and qualities, with certain traits becoming stronger and others more subtle. However, for those who are actively working on personal growth, this may be different.

If you consciously choose to develop yourself, gain new experiences, and let go of old beliefs, your head type and wings can change. You may discover other qualities in yourself or be more attracted to traits that were once less prominent. This makes the Enneagram dynamic and a powerful tool for self-awareness and growth. You are not locked into one type; you grow with your life.

Why are Enneagram wings important?

Understanding your wings not only helps you understand yourself better but also offers insight into how you act in different situations. They explain why people within the same Enneagram Type can be so different from each other.

Take a Type 6 (the Loyalist) for example. With a 7-wing (6w7), a Loyalist is often more social and adventurous. They seek connection and pleasure in addition to their need for security. A 6 with a 5-wing (6w5), on the other hand, is more analytical and reserved and relies more on facts than on people. Recognizing these subtle differences can help immensely in your personal and professional relationships.

Enneatype wings

The Dynamics of Your Enneagram Wings

Your wings are shaped by who you are and how you live. They often develop through personal experiences, the upbringing you had, or the environment you are in. Perhaps as a child, you learned to use certain qualities to protect yourself or to receive love and recognition. These wings give your personality nuance and flexibility.

What makes your wings special is that they are not fixed. They move with the phases of your life and the challenges you encounter. In some periods, you may feel more connected to the qualities of one wing, such as assertiveness or creativity. Later in life, the other wing may come to the fore with traits such as caring or introspection.

This dynamic character makes the Enneagram a living system that grows with you. It not only helps you to understand yourself better but also gives you insight into how you can continue to develop. Your wings are an invitation to discover new sides of yourself, tailored to what you need in every moment of your life.

How do you discover your Enneagram wings?

Discovering your wings starts with understanding your current head type. Mind you, this is not a fixed stamp for the rest of your life. Many people think that after completing one Enneagram test, they will forever be that one type. But that’s not true. This idea suggests that you are just like that and that you can’t change it. We at Team Mekey believe that personal growth is always possible. Your head type can shift as you develop yourself or when your work and personal life demand different sides of your personality.

You can take an Enneagram test to gain insight into your current head type. This is a good starting point to discover which wings influence you and where your growth opportunities lie.

When you recognize your head type now, you look at the adjacent type, your wings. Ask yourself questions such as: Which of these qualities do I feel in myself? For example, am I organized and strive for perfection like a Type 1? Or am I more attracted to the warmth and caring of Type 2?

Your wings are dynamic and move with the different phases of your life. What makes your wings really interesting is that they not only offer an extra layer of insight but also invite you to consciously work with yourself. By looking at your wings, you discover where your strengths lie and where you have room to grow in your work, private life, and beyond.

In addition, feedback from friends and family can help. They often see qualities in you that you may not notice yourself. Combine their feedback with the insight from an Enneagram test, and you have a powerful foundation to understand yourself better and take steps toward personal growth.

How wings influence your behavior

Wings add dimension to your personality. Suppose you are a Type 9 (the Mediator). With an 8-wing (9w8), you’re likely to be more assertive and less afraid to speak your mind. You combine your desire for harmony with the power and directness of Type 8. If you have a 1-wing (9w1), you may be more principled and more focused on structure and order.

By understanding which wing influences your behavior, you gain insight into your strengths and your challenges. This can help you to make conscious choices that are more in line with who you are.

Enneatype wings

Your Wings: A Mirror of the Role You Play

Understanding your wings not only shows you what role you play in life but also how you can consciously deal with it. Your personality type is not a fixed identity, but rather a strategy that you have developed to interact with the world. It is a role, not a definition of who you really are. By better understanding this role, you can discover where you limit yourself and where you can grow.

You may recognize that you sometimes lean on the properties of your wing to avoid discomfort or avoid difficult situations. That is very human, and it offers temporary comfort. But it can also hold you back. It can cause you to get stuck in patterns that no longer fit who you want to be.

When you become aware of these dynamics, there is room for change. You can learn to use your wings differently, not as a way to stay away from challenges but rather as a source of strength. This process not only helps you to find more balance but also to consciously choose the role you play instead of being unconsciously stuck in it.

Through this insight, you can take steps towards the best version of yourself. Not by trying to become someone else but by refining the roles you play and making them more in line with who you are deep inside. Growth starts with awareness, and awareness brings freedom.

What you can do with this knowledge

Understanding your wings is more than self-knowledge. It is a key to personal growth. It helps you understand why you react the way you do and how you can consciously use your unique qualities. This will allow you to communicate more effectively, build deeper relationships, and break patterns that may be limiting you. The result? More freedom, balance, and fulfillment in your life.

We have developed separate training sessions for each Enneatype to support your growth. These workouts are specially designed to make you stronger in your core and to use your wings optimally. In addition, we offer a free e-book for every Enneatype, in which you can read more about your wings and how they influence your behavior.

Curious? Download our free e-book about your Enneatype now and discover how you can use this knowledge to grow further and become a more powerful version of yourself.

Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about the launch date of our completely revamped Enneagram training and Enneagram test!

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