Enneagram Type 8 - the Boss

Enneagram 8: From Strength to Vulnerability.

The Power of Enneagram Type 8

Type 8, often referred to as ‘The Protector’ or ‘The Boss’, is a force to be reckoned with. These people exude determination and self-confidence. They are strong in their shoes and dare to take the lead, even in difficult situations. They go for justice, and they are not afraid to stand up for themselves or others. Especially when it comes to protecting the weak or loved ones, they go to extremes.

Their energy is contagious. A Type 8 is often the one who motivates a group to persevere. They think in terms of solutions, see obstacles as challenges, and have a natural urge to make progress. This makes them powerful leaders, both in their work and in personal situations.

But there is more to their strong appearance. For a Type 8, power isn’t just about taking charge or being in control. It’s also about independence and having control. They have a deep desire to protect themselves and their environment from vulnerability.

Curious about which Enneagram type suits you best? Take our Enneagram test and find out!

Enneatype 8 and control

The fear behind the power

Underneath the powerful aura of a Type 8 is often a sensitive heart. They hate the idea that others have power over them or that they have to depend on someone else. This often occurs from a negative experience in which they once felt weak, vulnerable or at the mercy of the child.
That’s why they often build a wall to protect themselves. That wall ensures that others cannot see their vulnerability, but also makes a Type 8 sometimes feel cut off from real connection. Because although they seem powerful, they often feel lonely in their attempts to always be strong.
This mechanism can get in the way of having relationships. Because they are used to fighting for control, they may have difficulty letting go and trusting others completely. Their direct and confrontational style can come across as intimidating, even when it’s well-intention ed.

The Pitfall of Denial

Type 8s tend to suppress emotions such as fear, sadness, or vulnerability. It seems safer to stay strong and ignore pain, but that denial builds tension and creates distance from others. What you don’t feel remains dormant under the surface and influences your behavior.
Real power lies not in denial, but in daring to allow what is going on inside. Showing vulnerability does not make you weak, but rather brings connection and peace. It is a sign of courage and inner growth.

Enneatype 8 Contol

Vulnerability as Strength

An important growth step for Type 8s is daring to be vulnerable. The idea that vulnerability is a weakness often prevents them from opening up fully. But the opposite is true. Vulnerability makes you human and strengthens your relationships.
Showing vulnerability starts small. It’s about sharing your feelings without immediately coming up with solutions or plans. It’s about trusting that your emotions are allowed to be there without having to hide or defend them.
When Type 8s learn to lower their walls, they discover a new level of power. Opening their hearts not only makes them stronger but also allows them to connect more deeply with the people around them.

Type 8 in Relationships: Space and Trust

In relationships, Type 8s are intense and committed partners. They protect their loved ones with heart and soul and do everything they can to ensure that the people they care about are safe and happy. This loyalty and strength make them reliable and loving partners.
But their intense energy can also be challenging. They often have difficulty letting go of control, which sometimes causes tension. Partners of Type 8s may feel that there is little room for their own opinions or feelings, as the Protector tends to take the lead.
A healthy relationship for a Type 8 is all about mutual trust. It is important that they learn to give space to the other person and not feel responsible for everything. By listening without reacting, space is created for a deeper connection.
In addition, it can be difficult for a Type 8 to accept help. They often see themselves as the strong shoulder, the one who has to carry everything. But in a healthy relationship, there is reciprocity. It’s okay to let go every now and then and give the other person space to take care of you.

Boundaries and letting go

Boundaries are important for a Type 8, but not only for themselves. Respecting the boundaries of others is just as important. By giving space and allowing others to take responsibility, Type 8s can relax and discover that letting go of control does not lead to chaos but to harmony.
Learning to trust others can be exciting, but it is an important step in the personal growth of a Type 8. By showing trust, they strengthen their relationships and build mutual respect.
Would you like to know more about the strengths and pitfalls of Enneatype 8? Download our free e-book and find out how you can grow as a Protector/Boss!

Recognize your true power

Type 8s are naturally powerful and passionate people. However, true power is not in control but in connection. By allowing vulnerability and making space for the other, they discover a new level of inner peace and balance. This is the biggest challenge for an Enneatype 8 because they often have damage to their vulnerability. They were able to survive in their childhood by maintaining oversight and control because it was not safe for them to be vulnerable.

From Control to Trust: Our Special Training for Type 8

Do you recognize yourself in this story? Do you often feel the urge to keep everything under control? Or do you notice that it is difficult to show your vulnerable side?
Our training, ‘From Controlling to Trust’, is specially designed for Type 8s who want to grow towards a healthier balance.
During this training, you will work on:

  • Show vulnerability: Learn to open yourself up without losing your strength.
  • Finding balance: Discover how to let go of control and trust others.
  • Respect boundaries: Build stronger, equal relationships by giving and receiving space.
  • Inner peace: Learn how to relax without losing your responsibilities.
  • Awareness and Insight: By investigating where your tendency to control comes from, you can transform into a healthy Type 8.

The training provides practical tools, insights, and guidance to embrace the unique power of Type 8 while finding more balance. You will learn how to be not only a powerful Protector/Boss but also a more connected and relaxed version of yourself.

Sign up

Our renewed training will start in early 2025. Do you want to stay informed? Sign up for our newsletter and discover how you can grow into a healthy Type 8.
Allow yourself this step. Because a powerful Protector/Boss who can also let go, is really a good leader.

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